Apr.2024 25
Views: 52
Instructions for use of DTH drill bits
Instructions for use of DTH drill bits
Instructions for use of DTH drill bits

DTH drill tools are divided into two series: high air pressure and low air pressure. Using high-quality raw materials and advanced production technology, we produce a series of high-quality DTH drill tools. Widely used in earthworks, mining, water well drilling, construction projects, etc.

Instructions for use
1. Select the DTH drill bit according to the rock conditions (hardness, abrasiveness) and drilling rig type (high wind pressure, low wind pressure). Different forms of alloy teeth and tooth arrangement methods are suitable for drilling different rocks. Choosing the correct down-the-hole drill bit is the prerequisite for obtaining the best use effect;
2. When installing the DTH drill bit, place the drill bit gently into the drill sleeve of the down-the-hole impactor, and do not collide with force to avoid damaging the drill bit tail shank Or card drill sleeve;
3. During the rock drilling process, it is necessary to ensure that the air pressure of the DTH drilling rig is sufficient. If the impactor works intermittently, or the blast hole powder discharge is not smooth, the compressed air system of the DTH drilling rig should be checked to ensure that there is no rock slag in the hole during the drilling process;
4. If metal objects are found falling into the hole, immediately Use a magnet to suck it out or take it out by other methods to avoid damaging the drill bit;
5. When replacing the drill bit, pay attention to the size of the drilled blast hole. If the diameter of the drill bit is excessively worn but the blast hole has not yet been drilled, do not replace the drill bit with a new one to avoid the drill getting stuck. The job can be done with an old drill bit that has been used and has about the same worn diameter.

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